Redder, Bock & Associates, PLLC Legal Blog
What if parents cannot agree on custody and parenting time?
New York family law cases can be particularly difficult when children are involved. While there are often news reports of complicated cases in which allegations between the parents fly back and forth amid an extended dispute over who gets custody and how visitation is...
How does the court decide how marital property will be split?
In New York divorce cases, spouses will frequently get into disagreements over property. Some states use the community property template where all property is shared equally among the partners whether it was marital or separate. New York does not do that. Like most...
What you need to know about powers of attorney
When you think about estate planning, you probably picture figuring how to distribute your assets to loved ones. While this is a critical part of the estate planning process that you need to thoroughly address, it’s not the only piece of your estate plan that needs...
Preparing for life after divorce
Going through a divorce is often mentally and emotionally difficult. Divorce can have a significant psychological impact on people even if the divorce is relatively amicable. A couple of factors could make this worse. The divorce process in New York, like most states,...
Helpful estate planning tips to keep in mind
Deciding to set up an estate plan is a wise and responsible decision. No matter your age or how much you own, having an estate plan has many benefits. It protects your loved ones from the stress of wondering what you would like to happen after you pass away and...
What is parallel parenting and is it right for your child?
In an ideal world, you and your child’s other parent would be able to effectively co-parent so that you raise your children with a shared vision. While this type co-parenting relationship is often contemplated in initial custody orders, whether negotiated or...
Can student loans be part of a bankruptcy?
After a lengthy reprieve that started in 2020, those with ongoing student loan debt had to resume making their installments in October of 2023. When considering average monthly payments at nearly $300, the additional money going out could create financial problems....
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help people retain various properties
Job loss, medical emergencies, divorce and overall financial struggles can leave many New York residents wondering how they will make ends meet. When they have fallen behind on their bills, the endless stream of phone calls from creditors can be enormously stressful....
How to get a handle on your post-divorce finances
While you try to find a way to cope with the emotional realities of your divorce, you might worry about how you’re going to make ends meet when all is said and done. Sure, you’ll have access to your fair share of marital assets, and alimony and child support might be...
Top 5 reasons for young adults to start estate planning
A lot of young people think that estate planning is something you put together later in life when you can see a clear need for it. But procrastination is one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to estate planning. You never know when something is going to go wrong,...