Redder, Bock & Associates, PLLC Legal Blog
Five pre-divorce steps you should take
If your marriage has been rocky, you might be considering divorce. Marriage dissolution can be an effective way to escape a toxic situation while protecting your long-term interests, but the process isn’t always as easy as it seems. While there are almost certainly...
How to tell your spouse that you want a divorce
If your marriage has been on the rocks for a while, then you probably know that divorce is in your best interest. While that’s an important first step in securing a future that you want, that recognition doesn’t make the process easier. While we spend a lot of time on...
Tips for rebuilding your credit score after bankruptcy
Dealing with overwhelming debt can be extremely stressful. In fact, some people try so hard to claw their way out of the hole and do so for so long that they end up developing deeply set anxiety and depression that impacts nearly every aspect of their lives. If you’re...
When can a custodial parent relocate under New York Law?
It can take a lot of time, energy, and stress to resolve a pending custody issue. Once the matter is resolved, you might feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. However, you might find that relief to be short-lived, as custody issues can quickly...
4 Ways Grandparents Can Help Grandkids Avoid Financial Struggles
Many parents and grandparents in New York want to make sure their kids and grandkids are financially stable after they are gone. Here are a few steps grandparents can take to make sure that their grandchildren are not struggling financially in the future. Give a...
Property division in a New York divorce
One of the most difficult parts of a divorce is determining how to divide up the marital property. From the family home to priceless antiques, many divorcing couples find themselves arguing over who gets to keep which assets. If the couple is unable to come to an...
What are possible obstacles to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge?
For New Yorkers who are experiencing financial struggles, bankruptcy is often a worthwhile option to consider. People who do not own a home or have significant property that would be liquidated can benefit greatly from the Chapter 7 discharge. Despite its positives, a...
Can parents modify their child custody orders?
Change is part of life in New York. Sometimes, change comes slowly and sometimes it occurs suddenly. However it occurs, people have to adjust their lives to the changes they experience. Sometimes, it is easier to adjust their lives than other times. For instance,...
Do I want a revocable or an irrevocable trust?
Many people set up a trust as part of their estate plan. A trust offers unparalleled protection for assets, making it a great way to preserve wealth and build a legacy that will last for many years after the person is gone. However, a trust can also go into effect...
Facts about Chapter 7 and reaffirming debt to keep the property
When New Yorkers have smothering debt they cannot pay back, they think about various solutions to the problem. Some fear bankruptcy amid the belief that it can be permanently damaging. However, bankruptcy is a viable solution to get out of debt and restart a financial...